Unshackling education.

There will be a total of 79 Free Schools in England as 55 open their doors this week to pupils and 114 planned for next year.

The Government introduced Free Schools as an alternative to Schools that follow the standard National Curriculum set up by the State. The innovative all-ability state-funded schools are set up in response to what local people say they want and need to improve education for children in that area. Free schools can be set up by groups of parents, teachers, charities, businesses, universities, trusts, religious or voluntary groups.

There is no doubt to tbg. that Free Schools will expand and excel children education throughout England, giving the population a much more rich mixture of talent.

Education Secretary Michael Gove said: "Every child should have the choice to go to an excellent local school. These new schools have been set up by idealistic people who are determined to give parents the kind of choice that only the rich can currently afford."