Shapps in Twitter storm.

Welwyn Hatfield MP, Grant Shapps, has been accused of using a "robot" to gain Twitter followers tbg. can reveal.

Top left-wing political blog Political Scrapbook has reported that, "it appears that minister Grant Shapps may be trying to pull the oldest trick in the book: repeatedly following and unfollowing other users in a lame attempt to boost their own numbers".

Political Scrapbook claimed as they were writing the article Shapps had managed to take time out of his busy schedule to follow even more people on the social networking site.

tbg. thinks the Minister for Housing & Local Governments' "robot" might be an unpaid intern or secretary working on the grindstone that is Twitter.

As one Twitter user put it, "He (Shapps) has followed me three times now. He soon unfollows me though. Unlike some politicians, I suspect Shapps is not hands-on with his account. Some young one in his office looks at followers of others and follows these people".

UPDATE 11:26.
#shappsfollowedme is now trending on Twitter.

UPDATE: 12:33.

+UPDATE+ 20/JULY/2012 - 22:07
tbg. just received this.