Tory Youth Chairman, Ben Howlett, has announced he wants to expand the CF Policy Forum to give it greater influence over Tory Party policy over the next parliament. Ultimately looking to influence the 2015 manifesto. Ben said on London Spin "I will be extending the CF Policy Forum to channel the need to improve debate within the party. It will represent members' views within the Party, produce policy studies on issues that matter most to young people"
Ben wants the CF Policy Forum to have more autonomy and be an external voice influencing Tory policy for CF, rather than the CF Exec' itself. Though, Ben states to tBg that the Exec' will interview people for positions available on the CF Policy Forum board.
tBg asked Ben how he intends to make a CF Policy Forum autonomous from the Conservative Future Executive. Ben said: "We will carry out standard applications to all members and advertised as if a private company were looking for a Director and Board. They will be elected upon once shortlisted by the Regional Chairman and National Executive to ensure its national accountability to all regions.
This year because of its significance the National Executive will interview them as well to ensure this is a very professional organisation. It will ensure its autonomous nature to the National Executive so that it can effectively influence the Party's next manifesto and current policy.
We want to make sure this organisation is as effective as the Bow Group of old with a reinvigorated new style"
Shortly after this announcement eye widening newssite, London Spin, backed Howlett for a second term in office. In an editorial the newssite said: "One only has to look at the abuse and smears Howlett has received from CF’s enemies to see that he is a Chairman with a backbone who is getting things done. A weaker leader would have rolled over, but Ben stuck to his guns and carried on making CF great again.
For the first time in many years Conservative Future looks and feels like a professional organisation with a truly national membership base. We are an agile and exciting vehicle for young political hopefuls to get involved and fulfill their political dreams.
With so much at stake, we cannot allow our organisation to fall into the hands of those individuals itching to hit the rewind button and drag Conservative Future back into the sewers of obscurity."
The Spin also cites events with Cabinet level MP's and Bens' dedication to street campaigning come rain or shine.
You can follow Ben on Twitter; @benhowlettcf