EXCLUSIVE: Hoffman to attend YBF gig as he hits back at critics.

Candidate for Deputy Chairman (Political), Stephen Hoffman, has hit back at claims seemingly suggesting he is shunning his opponent Phllip Smiths "luxury bash" to attend a YBF event. One CF'er told the CF newssite of the season, London Spin, that this was; "Another cf event where the huff and his pals are off to a ybf event instead. speaks volumes about how much they value cf".

In a statement to tBg Hoffman claims he is up for an award that night and it would be "bad form" not to attend. The Hoff also says "Having spoken to those who have recently joined CF, one of the reasons in the past they were put off, was a perception rightly or wrongly that CF was just there for rich people".

In a full statement which Hoffman stresses is not a personal attack, exclusively to tBg, The Hoff sees of his critics:

"I'm attending YBF, because I am up for the Eric Forth activism award and also because I believe YBF is an organisation squarely in the Conservative and Libertarian Family, which we should work closely with. I know many CFers who will be attending the receptions, speakers and events put on by YBF including the only official election hustings. Once again, some seem to want to spend more time slagging off YBF then attending their events and finding out for themselves. All from a Conservative and Libertarian viewpoints are welcome after all.

Additionally the events are on the same day and I had agreed much earlier and paid to go to YBF. It would be truly bad form if I pulled out now. Do you want someone who changes his affairs at a whim and leaves friends and organisations in the lurch at the last minute, I don't think so.

I wish Phillip all the success for his event, but I do worry that at a time when people are hurting, a lavish reception may send out the wrong message. I'm sure that is not what Phillip is trying to do, but it's just the impression that could be given. Having spoken to those who have recently joined CF, one of the reasons in the past they were put off, was a perception rightly or wrongly that CF was just there for rich people. This is why I have gone across the country and visited many people from different political persuasions inside the Conservative Party in recent weeks. I look forward to seeing Phillip possibly in Feltham and Heston on Sunday."

You can follow Stephen on Twitter; @thehoff600