tBg has received a plea from Chairman of Wiltshire Conservative Future, Toby Elliot, for CF members in the South East. Elliot wants members to vote James Morton to become the new South East Chairman. In a heartfelt statement Toby Elliot said: "I am writing this urge members of South East CF to back James Morton for South East Regional Chairman.
I cannot think of anyone who has done more to increase the perception and professionalism of Conservative Future in the last few years. You may not always notice James as he is not the man showboating at the front, but the man that normally does all the leg work behind the scenes - be it securing funding and sponsorship for CF events and campaigning to putting on the largest ball since Conservative Future was formed; raising funds for associations and Help for Heroes.
James is respected by MPs, association officers and members of CF alike for his dedication, work ethic and pride he takes in everything he does. He turned Exeter CF into the largest branch in the country; Devon CF into a well-oiled campaigning machine; South West CF from a small, university centric organisation into a fully self-funded region with the most members, branches and events than anywhere else in the country.
To list all of James' achievements would take me too long, but to put it simply: now is not the time for a novice. The members of the South East have a choice - they can choose someone who talks about all the right things but will deliver on nothing OR they can choose experience, choose someone who is unassuming, choose someone who will deliver every time, choose James Morton for South East Regional Chairman."