This blog can announce that Conservative Future Chairman candidate, Dominic McDonough, has released his manifesto in full. In a meaty, thoughtful and dynamic publication Dom says he wants to see, " easy way to get our information across to a huge audience". Dom wants to launch a monthly newsletter and has announced the return of CFTV.
"We live in an internet generation. We need to take advantage of social media.
That is why im announcing the return of CFTV. An iPhone or Blackberry is all a branch needs to publicise their latest canvassing stint or their latest social. Keeping the whole CF family informed and gaining publicity at the same time.
I would also like to announce the creation of a monthly online newsletter. This will be sent to every email account as well as being available on the CF website as a download. This will include branch news, articles, reviews, questions to the chairman and interviews with MPs, MEPs and business leaders."
McDonough goes on to tell tBg "Mine is the only manifesto that secures the long term future of CF. I really want to give something back to our loyal members and make sure we are attracting new members from all backgrounds.
I also want to make CF a real force in politics that stands up for the concerns of young Conservatives in this coalition government. Over the past 12 months we have been too weak on many issues. Under my leadership CF would be strong, speaking out, campaigning for a Conservative majority while standing up to the other parties and student unions while holding Labour to account.
If you want real change in CF and an organisation that will be stronger for you then vote for me. Its as simple as that."
Dominic McDonough 2011 Manifesto:
You can follow Dominic on Twitter; @torydom