Howlett wants to bring back CF Conference.

Today Ben Howlett has sensationally announced that he wants to bring back the CF National Conference.

Howlett announced that next years CF National Conference will start off quite small, testing the water to see how successful they can be and if they get strong feedback then CF can allow them to grow the following year.

As a part of Howletts' localist agenda he also committed himself to work with Regional Executives to ensure that they can have their own regional conference with training opportunities provided at a local level.

Ben said: “Over the last few months I have been lobbied hard by members across the country to relaunch the CF National Conference. To be honest, given their prior history, I was sceptical at first. However I have been persuaded to think again about the opportunities that a conference could have for us.

Last years meeting of Area Execs was a step in the right direction which can be developed upon. With a professional approach and my beady eye looking over the event plans, working in collaboration with CCHQ, we have a real opportunity to get some top notch training; have a few drinks afterwards; meet other CF members from across the country, gain much needed sponsorship and have a really fun time.”