David set to make way for Red Ed.

It seems tonight David Milliband has made his mind up and doesn't want to reign on his little brothers parade any more than he already has. Nominations are open for Shadow Cabinet positions amongst Labour MPs, tBg can reveal it is widely expected that David Milliband, "will not put his name forward for a position".

It is thought Red Ed's admission that the invasion of Iraq was wrong, was the final nail in the coffin with regards to David serving in Red Ed's shadow cabinet. According to London Spin, David Milliband was thought to have shown his anger in the Conference Hall itself, just after Red Ed's admission. As delegates clapped, he yelled at Harriet Harman: "You voted for it, why the hell are you clapping?".

The tBg source said: "David is very upset he didn't win. He really thought it was in the bag."