Howlett gets on with the day job.

With the CF election only a few weeks away, Ben has been getting on with the day job and showing signs of maturity as he has suffered a barrage of attacks on tBg comments over the weekend.

On Saturday he was in Richmond helping with Zac Goldsmith MP's thank you letter deliveries, holding drinks in Brighton in the evening and then on Sunday helping Norwich with their unitary by-election campaigns.

While his opposition are still working out what their policies are, Ben is two months ahead of the game and is now promoting his manifesto pledges across the country while getting on with the day job of supporting events and campaigns.

Ben said: "I stood for National CF Chairman not for the pomp and ceremony, but to get on with the day job and encourage others to get more involved. I have been asked a few times, what is the point of CF outside of election time? This weekend answered that question with a flurry of activity across the country. Norwich have their unitary authority by-election campaigns coming up, and Richmond wanted to get deliveries under way. We also have the Hackney by-election, the Tower Hamlet's mayoral elections and the Exeter unitary by-elections coming up soon. CF has proven that it can be, and will remain, a helpful, strong and proactive force to support campaigns across the country.

Norwich and Richmond are great examples of how CF can mobilise its troops and get things done. I really liked the set up of the events they ran, with a few hours of campaigning followed by a fun group lunch in the pub or dinner in the city later on to catch up on the day. This is the successful format that I want to continue and use for the Super Saturday programme."

This weekend Ben will be in the North West meeting CF members.